Life on and off the mat

Grant triple jump

I took up yoga when I turned 40 (oldish dogs can learn new tricks after all!) and since then it’s become a big part of my life. Physical yoga practice has improved my strength, balance and flexibility, while the integral breathwork helps my mental focus and wellbeing. Recently I’ve been reading more of the ancient philosophical and scientific teachings of yoga to broaden my appreciation of it as a guide for living well and to further my own growth. In 2023 I completed my 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training with Kindred School of Yoga (Yoga Alliance accredited).

Away from the mat I’m very active. I compete internationally in Masters Athletics competitions, the triple jump being my main event. I also pole vault, long jump and do the occasional decathlon.

Thanks to watching Point Break and Crocodile Dundee too many times as a kid, after leaving school I spent a year in Australia working (including on a crocodile farm!) and travelling. Since then I’ve visited many countries and had some amazing cultural experiences and adventures.

The family-owned farm is LEAF accredited (Linking Environment And Farming is the highest global standard for environmental sustainability). We produce a range of award-winning single-variety apple juices and wine-style ciders. Everything we produce is plant-based (apple-based to be precise!) and suitable for vegans. A lovely pressed apple juice goes down a treat after a Vinyasa class!

I’m also the cider-maker at Charrington’s

Charrington's apple orchard in blossom
Grant in Warrior 2 pose
Warrior Crow Yoga logo

The name is a combination of two different yoga poses. Warrior pose (Virabhadrasana in Sanskrit), which has several variations, and Crow pose (or Bakasana), an arm balance (plus The Crow is one of my favourite 90s films!).

The figure I created for the logo is a human-crow hybrid, like some sort of mythical creature, silhouetted against the moon. It’s in a Warrior 2 pose spreading its Crow wings wide.

Basically, after playing around with different names and designs I just went with what I thought looked and sounded pretty cool!

So what’s a Warrior Crow?

“I was born ready.”

Jack Burton, Big Trouble in Little China